World's Oldest Yoga Institute - The Yoga Institute
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Life Management Yoga Workshop

Saturday & Sunday – 12.15 pm – 01.45 pm (IST)

Enhance state of mind with pranayama, yoga asana and relaxation techniques

Please select a course date and register by clicking below.

Program Details

Who is this yoga camp for?

If you think about it, most of the time we are living our life without consciously thinking about what we are doing and why we are doing it. It is only when we face a problem of some kind, that we are forced to stop and take stock of things. This kind of approach does us no good. If you feel that you are stuck in life, or don’t know what to do next, or feel like your life is going nowhere, this is the workshop for you! Here is a Life management yoga workshop by The Yoga Institute Delhi to give you direction and discipline to go through your life happily, joyfully and with balance. Designed with the wisdom of ancient Indian teachings, there’s a whole treasure chest of tools waiting for you at this camp. Hope to see you soon!


What can you expect?

Life is a choice between B and D. Birth and Death. We are in control of C. That is the Choices we make, so make the right choices and live a happy life. -Dr. Hansaji Yogendra


Program Offerings

  • Effective tools and techniques to help you manage your life
  • Specific pranayama, yoga asana and relaxation techniques to enhance your state of mind
  • Yogic Diet guidelines to manage your health
  • Recorded tips to maintain health by our spiritual guru Institute Director, Dr. Hansaji who has decades of experience in the field
  • Fitness tips


Fees: INR 1,000/ (For two sessions)



Campers are requested to come attired to comfortable loose fitting clothes. Shorts, capris, tank tops, low cut shirts, short and sleeveless T-shirts are not permitted as per the Institute dress code.



  • Kindly note the fees once paid will not be refundable.
  • In the event of a national holiday you will have the option to cover your missed session with next batch.

Register Now

Note: Kindly note the fees once paid will not be refundable

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