World's Oldest Yoga Institute - The Yoga Institute
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Stress Management Yoga Workshop

Tuesday & Thursday – 8.45 am – 10.15 am (IST)

Specific pranayama, yoga asana and relaxation techniques to enhance your state of mind

This camp is uniquely crafted for individuals currently experiencing stress-related challenges. Its focus is on offering specialized assistance, direction, and techniques to address issues stemming from stress.

*Kindly Note: The camp is not available to the general public who might be interested in attending for the purpose of gaining general knowledge.

Please select a course date and register by clicking below.

Program Details:

Who is this yoga workshop for?

Stress is the “wear and tear” our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment. It has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative feelings. Stress loses its sting when the balanced mind perceives a stressful situation from a different scale of observation. Our goal here at the Yoga Institute is not to eliminate stress but to learn how to manage it and how to use it to help us. Learn to lead a healthy life under stressful situations at our 1-day Yoga for Stress Management camp.

What can you expect?
Positivity and certainty are the cornerstones of a normal healthy mind. -Dr. Hansaji Yogendra

Program Offerings

  • Yoga Sadhana: Specific pranayama, and relaxation techniques to enhance your wellbeing
  • Yogic Diet guidelines
  • Health counselling
  • Recorded tips to maintain health by our spiritual guru Institute Director, Dr. Hansaji who has decades of experience in the field


Fees: INR 1,000/ (For two sessions)


Campers are requested to come attired to comfortable loose fitting clothes. Shorts, capris, tank tops, low cut shirts, short and sleeveless T-shirts are not permitted as per the Institute dress code.


• Kindly note the fees once paid will not be refundable.
• In the event of a national holiday you will have the option to cover your missed session with next batch.

Register Now

Note: Kindly note the fees once paid will not be refundable

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